Meet Joachim Weber, the new CTO of Paessler AG

 Published by Joachim Weber
Last updated on May 09, 2022 • 13 minute read

Some of our followers may already know: Since the beginning of this year, Paessler AG has a new CTO. Today, I would like to introduce myself to all our blog readers: My name is Joachim Weber, and I am looking forward to supporting Paessler on its way to a successful and sustainable future.

meet joachim weber the new cto of paessler ag

Let me start by giving you a brief overview of my career so far, and then I will tell you something about how I envision the future of our operations and why working at Paessler is such a unique experience.

My career

I have been fascinated by natural sciences, especially mathematics and physics, since my early youth and that is how I ended up studying electrical engineering. After a career in the public sector, where I was mainly involved in communications engineering, my path has been characterized by a certain common thread. This thread was Software as a Service (SaaS), in particular: cloud solutions and the security aspects that derive from them. The last company I worked for before Paessler was Trend Micro, a global leader in cybersecurity solutions, where I was employed for over 9 years, most recently as VP Technology Solutions Europe.

At the end of 2021, I got instantly inspired by the prospect of joining Paessler AG as its new CTO. Paessler is a very well-known player in the monitoring industry. And moreover, the company is characterized by a clear growth track, combined with a compelling and proven product portfolio, including SaaS solutions.  

IT Monitoring and the Internet of Things


There will be many exciting developments at Paessler in the coming years, and I am looking forward to playing an active role in shaping the future of our product portfolio. We will further improve and expand our existing solutions for on- and off-premises IT monitoring, become even more compelling for enterprise environments, and also make further advances in the area of IoT. We will also strengthen our activities in certain industries, including healthcare as well as our solutions for IT/OT convergence.

The Internet of Things has shed its status as a hyped novelty some time ago and has become a respectable business field for a wide variety of industries and use cases. Be it the advanced building and room monitoring of offices or educational institutions, the better understanding of urban landscapes with diverse, useful sensors, or the smart irrigation of agricultural land: something great is emerging here that can optimize our use of energy and natural resources simultaneously for a sustainable future and a world that is worth living in. 

A purpose and a company we believe in

Often it is the fundamentals, a company's purpose (or the Why” of a company), that makes it particularly interesting, both for customers and for new employees. Paessler is committed to reducing the consumption of resources by humankind and wants to make a contribution to this huge task with smart monitoring solutions. Personally, as a father, I feel it is essential to leave this earth in a good shape for my children. Working for a company that contributes to this task is both an honor and an incentive.

Obviously, feeling happy and fulfilled is essential in any job. Dirk Paessler built the company named after him with the goal of creating a place where people actually love to work. Although many stages of my onboarding were done virtually due to the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, I immediately felt that distinct spirit. At Paessler, we don't just preach a feel-good atmosphere, flat hierarchies and hands-on mentality – we live them! 

This is complemented by our modern, flexible working models, which we introduced during the pandemic, and which will continue to enable our employees to work from any location in the future. With this winning combination, we are confident that we will maintain our ability to reach the talent we are looking for to sustain our growth trajectory. 

Talk again soon!

At Paessler, we have been trying to deliver excellence every day for the past 25 years. Our CEO Helmut Binder and I see this as our company's source of strength for successfully mastering the coming years. 

By the way, dear readers, this will not be the last message you receive from me. My immediate staff and I will be in touch with you frequently, whether through blog articles, our newsletters, or in some other form.