Open positions: We're looking for bees!

 Published by Patrick Gebhardt
Last updated on October 06, 2022 • 4 minute read

🌼🐝 Giving unused areas of land back to nature is the right thing to do. The population of bees in particular is severely endangered in many industrialized nations. Although the worldwide numbers seem to be on the rise, Western Europe has witnessed a horrifying 37% reduction in bee colonies compared to 1990. And yet we need both solitary and communal bees for a healthy ecosystem and a functioning agriculture.

The good news: It is not all that difficult to create a habitat in which the little fellas feel at home. We have transformed unused space in front of our headquarters in Nuremberg into a true bee-friendly paradise. What's missing now are the bees. So if you know any, send them our way! Much obliged.

we are looking for bees



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