The story of a great day

 Published by Patrick Gebhardt
Last updated on June 20, 2023 • 3 minute read

At Paessler, work isn't just about the nine-to-five grind. It's a place where employees find joy in what they do and the impact they make. This year, we celebrated our first-ever Volunteer Day, a day dedicated to giving back to the community. Join us in celebrating a day filled with compassion, teamwork, and the belief that even small actions can create significant change.

the story of a great day

Watch the video and witness the power of Paessler's Volunteer Day 2023!


A very special thank you goes out to our front and back office, visual communications, and our purpose team for organizing this incredible day and for their exceptional coordination. Their dedication and efforts made Volunteer Day a resounding success.

You guys are awesome! ❤️