Paessler –The Eating Company Celebrating One Year of Our Own Cafeteria

 Published by Sarolta Hershey
Last updated on March 03, 2022 • 9 minute read

We spend a ridiculous amount of time discussing food at the office. “Is it anyone’s birthday and did they bring cake?”, “Is the chocolate drawer filled up?” (yes, we have an official chocolate drawer) and most importantly “What’s for lunch?”.

paessler the eating company celebrating one year of our own cafeteria

Paessler moved offices last year. While the old office was surrounded by bakeries and restaurants the new office is situated in a business park. We have a forest right behind the building but few eateries.

A lack of food is considered a mini-disaster at Paessler, but we were lucky enough to get our own cafeteria! And not just any cafeteria.

A high-end catering company looks after our hungry bellies now – with a chef we love. We don’t just love his cooking either. This guy remembers who’s vegetarian, who has food allergies and if he knows we like something he’ll make a point to make more of it. His passion for the job spills over into the food.

This month we celebrate one year of great food. And we look forward to many more!

Let’s look back to the opening in June 2016…

Our sysadmin Aurelio waiting for the official opening of the Paessler cafeteria.

Passersby stop and ask whether they can eat at our “restaurant”. Our answer: They can, if they become part of the Paessler team! :) What do you think of this tactic? Would you be tempted to work for a company with this kind of food culture?