Let’s talk about sensors! Monitoring Cisco Meraki with PRTG sensors

 Published by Michael Becker
Last updated on May 18, 2022 • 7 minute read

The Cisco Meraki network management solution is used in many companies of all sizes. Users appreciate the simple design as well as the automatic integration of the latest technology through automatic updates. Another highlight is the scalability and ease of use, which make this an ideal solution for companies with different network specifications. The Cisco Meraki IT portfolio ranges from security cameras and switching solutions to enterprise mobility management (EMM) and wireless capabilities.

lets talk about sensors monitoring cisco meraki with prtg sensors

The Meraki Dashboard and its API play an important role in management. Paessler PRTG includes 2 native sensors since version 22.1.74 that can be used for monitoring via this dashboard API:

i The operating methods and the available settings can change at any time.

Do not expect that all functions work properly, or that this sensor works as expected at all. To use these sensors, you must enable beta sensors first:

  • Open the PRTG web interface and navigate to Setup | System Administration | Monitoring.
  • Go to section Experimental Features and enable Beta Sensors.
  • Open the Add Sensor dialog and search for beta. You can now see all available beta sensors.

For more information, see the Knowledge Base:

👉 What are beta sensors and how can I use them?


Let's have a closer look at the sensors!

Cisco Meraki Network Health sensor (BETA)

The sensor monitors the health of Cisco Meraki network devices via the Cisco Meraki Dashboard API. It requires credentials for Cisco Meraki in settings that are higher in the object hierarchy, for example, in the settings of the parent device. It supports IPv6 and has a very low performance impact and provides status information through its channels about:

  • IoT devices
  • Meraki Radios (MR) devices
  • Meraki Switching (MS) devices
  • Meraki Security (MX) devices
  • Uplinks


Have a look here for all details about the channel list:

👉 Cisco Meraki Network Health channel table


Cisco Meraki License Sensor (BETA)

With this sensor you can monitor the Meraki licenses of an organization via the Cisco Meraki Dashboard API. This sensor also requires credentials for Cisco Meraki in settings that are higher in the object hierarchy, for example, in the settings of the parent device. It supports IPv6 and has a very low performance impact. Through its channels you will get the following information:

  • Days to expiration (default)
  • License count
  • License model


You can find a detailed description of the channels here:

👉 Cisco Meraki License Sensor channel table

What's coming up?

If you are interested in what we are working on or will work on in the future, have a look here:

👉 PRTG roadmap


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