Quit playing games with the heart of your IT

 Published by Michael Becker
Last updated on January 23, 2024 • 9 minute read

The larger IT environments are, the more important it is to have holistic monitoring and an overview of the entire IT infrastructure in one central place. This includes the entire network, especially its performance, storage systems, bandwidth utilization, power supply and applications. Regardless of the size of the data center, whether its a single location or distributed data centers, or if there are hundreds or even thousands of devices, it all must be comprehensively monitored. But how can this be realized in such large infrastructures?

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quit playing games with the heart of your it

Paessler PRTG Enterprise Monitor provides everything you need in one single tool that lets you monitor all facets of large and distributed data centers. It gives you a holistic overview of everything in and around your data centers. It also offers the ability to customize the monitoring solution to your environment and provides a powerful dashboard to get an overview of your whole infrastructure.

High-level overview with the ITOps board

The ITOps Board, which is exclusive to PRTG Enterprise Monitor, extends monitoring with a service-oriented central overview of monitoring data collected by multiple PRTG servers. It correlates alerts with your business services and prioritizes them by user groups and roles. This way, alerts are filtered and aggregated, disruptions caused by notifications of a general nature are reduced, and system engineers receive only those messages that are relevant to them. As a result, when alerts are received, timely action can be taken to resolve the issue and serious SLA violations can be avoided.


Data center safety and security

Safety measures, both for classic IT risks as well as building automation technology and environmental factors, is a central aspect: Overheating, cable firesleaks in air conditioning systems as well as unauthorized intrusion can cause massive damage. Monitoring software is crucial for detecting air humidity, room temperature, smoke and other environmental influences that indicate a safety hazard.

Monitoring software also helps ensure your security components are up and running by monitoring firewalls, CCTV equipment, virus scanners, intrusion detection systems and more.

PRTG Enterprise Monitor is able to monitor the availability and functionality of all these components and systems 24/7, and at the same time collect surveillance data, display it within dashboards, and integrate it into a central alarm system.

Scaling up and licensing

Large environments require multiple PRTG servers. PRTG Enterprise Monitor offers the ability to use an unlimited number of PRTG servers and comes with a flexible annual subscription license. This ensures that PRTG can easily scale if you find you need to deploy more sensors - you don't have to change licenses or remember to renew your maintenance. This model promotes an OpEx approach over a CapEx approach, as you can adjust your costs based on what you actually need. PRTG Enterprise Monitor includes all monitoring features and complete functionality in each license. No add-ons, no modules and no hidden costs.

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