Send Us Your PRTG Feature Requests!

 Published by Sascha Neumeier
Last updated on March 04, 2024 • 4 minute read

Do you use PRTG Network Monitor and need a feature that would make your daily work incredibly easier? Would you like to monitor a device or service, but you can't find a suitable sensor, nor is there an acceptable workaround in our PRTG Knowledge Base? Do you miss a feature in PRTG that would be great for many other PRTG users?

send us your prtg feature requests

Then you're probably curious how you place feature requests for PRTG with us.

Feature Requests Are Just Empty Promises Anyway…

When the support departments on this planet run out of ideas, users are only too happy to end up in the "You can always drop us a feature request" section. I also know software vendors where the feature request answer has become a running gag.

We don't want to be like that! We listen to you, we take you seriously, and we want to make PRTG even better together with you! And we know very well that you sysadmins out there who work with PRTG every day know best which functions you need to complete your tasks efficiently and in a timely manner!

Use our Paessler Helpdesk to request features

At the Paessler Helpdesk, you can request features, ask technical questions, view your submitted tickets, and access other resources to help improve your monitoring experience. 

To submit a feature request, follow the step-by-step guideline here: How can I propose new features or sensors for PRTG?

Why is Not Every Feature Request Implemented Immediately…

...even though it's really great and helpful? We have already received feature requests that were well thought out, close a functional gap in our software and offer real added value. Nevertheless, we didn't immediately start implementation with the highest priority. Why?

Suppose a really great feature request makes the life of 50 sysadmins easier, while another suggestion can become the new favorite feature of 30,000 PRTG users. In such cases, we can't avoid prioritizing requirements beyond the first-in-first-out principle and aligning effort with benefit. It can happen that we implement a request at a later point in time, even if we always do our best to implement all requirements as timely as possible. We will ultimately deny requests that are simply not feasible; however, we will give a detailed explanation in this case.

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