PRTG The Monitoring Solution: All About The Beta Test In 3 Minutes!

 Published by Dirk Paessler
Last updated on March 03, 2022 • 6 minute read

Any questions about the PRTG as a service beta test? Just watch this 3 minutes video and you will be given the answers:

prtg in the cloud all about the beta test in 3 minutes
  • How Can I Participate In The Public Beta?
  • Does PRTG hosted by Paessler Include All Features?
  • What Happens After The Beta?
  • How Much Is PRTG hosted by Paessler?


How can I participate in the public Beta?

Dirk Paessler: On our webpage for PRTG hosted by Paessler we have already created the final "onboarding process", if you will. You come to our webpage, you choose a domain name for your PRTG and about 60 to 90 seconds later you will have your own PRTG set up for you and you can login.

Then you can start monitoring from the cloud. But if you want to monitor devices on your premises, you also need to download the PRTG Probe installer, which is a one-two-minute-process, and then you install that on a Windows machine on your network and that will act as the machine that gathers all the data from your network and sends it back to the PRTG central in the cloud.

Does PRTG hosted by Paessler include all features?

Dirk Paessler: In the beginning we will not support 100% of the features of PRTG on premises but we are way beyond 90% already. Some very complex features like the clustering will not be available from day one, but we plan to support almost everything that we can do on premises also in the cloud.

What happens after the beta?

Dirk Paessler: Well, at the end of the beta testing phase when we finally put up the prices to the final prices, you have the option to continue your test system, at the new final prices or you have to tear down your PRTG server at the end.


How much is PRTG hosted by Paessler?

Dirk Paessler: We are planning to do monthly or annual payments. I expect that the base price will start at 100$, but the exact pricing has not been fixed yet. What the user can do is to change between subscription sizes at any time. So, he can build up monitoring capabilities, if he needs more or he can strip that down.

The prices are publicly visible. It has always been our policy to have transparent pricing, that can be viewed on the web page at any time. And this is, what we think, a fair model for the customer.

The first 10 days are free and after that you can either stop your PRTG trial installation or you can continue using it and then it will cost between one Dollar and a few Dollars until the end of the beta test. We're doing that, because we also have to test the billing and credit card charging stuff. That's the reason, why the complete beta test is not free. And we also have some costs at Amazon for the computing capacity.

It's not free, but it's really, really cheap.

Join the Public Beta Test

Before officially launching PRTG hosted by Paessler, we'd like you to test it under live conditions. Just open a free trial instance now, or subscribe to a specially priced beta plan*. This public beta test is your chance to thoroughly test PRTGhosted by Paessler and provide valuable feedback: 

Start Your PRTG In The Cloud Now >>


We would be very grateful if  you would take the time to help us shape the future of PRTG.

* Beta prices are only placeholders while we test our payment processes and will change after the beta phase. The final prices will complement our on-premises offerings.