Sensor Of The Week: Cloud Ping Sensor

 Published by Florian Staffort
Last updated on March 03, 2022 • 6 minute read

A few weeks ago we've presented the Cloud HTTP sensor, which enables you to keep an eye on the loading time of a web server via HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) from various locations worldwide.

prtg cloud ping sensor

Today we want to focus on another brand-new sensor that also uses the PRTG Cloud to enable monitoring from different international locations: The Cloud Ping sensor. Just add the web server you want to monitor to PRTG as a device and then add the Cloud Ping sensor to this device—and you're ready to start monitoring!


We have set up the PRTG Cloud, which is by the way also used to deliver push notifications to your smartphones running one of our PRTG apps, to provide you with data from remote locations distributed over five continents around the globe:

  • Asia Pacific: Singapore
  • Asia Pacific: Sydney
  • Asia Pacific: Tokyo
  • EU Central: Frankfurt
  • EU West: Ireland
  • South America: Sao Paulo
  • US East: Northern Virginia
  • US West: Northern California
  • US West: Oregon

Of course the sensor also allows you to display the global average response time.

If you want to know more about the Cloud Ping sensor, just have a look at the PRTG manual. This sensor type is currently in beta status, so we'd really appreciate your feedback on your experience with it! Also please note that currently you can only use 5 sensors of this type at the same time—for more information please have a look at the Knowledge Base article on "Allowed Number of Cloud Sensors per PRTG Installation".


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