Enabling Autistic Children to Enjoy a Relaxed Visit to the Museum

 Published by Patrick Gebhardt
Last updated on March 03, 2022 • 3 minute read

The National Museum of Computing in the UK is a great place to learn about the history of computing and decoding machines all the way to modern computers. In an earlier article we announced that Paessler is involved in financing and conducting so-called Relaxed Openings, which are intended to enable children from the autism spectrum (ASD) to visit the museum in a relaxed, quiet atmosphere. This project has now started with great success. We visited the museum a few weeks ago and captured the impressions in a video.

enabling children with asd to enjoy a relaxed visit to the museum

More information about Autism Spectrum Disorder under the aspect of Environmental Monitoring can be found here. And soon there will be another video about implementing Sigfox technology into PRTG.