Unit and Performance Testing in a Single Step with our Django Performance Testing Plugin

 Published by Kimberley Parsons Trommler
Last updated on March 03, 2022 • 2 minute read

What's your favorite software development buzzword:  Agile, DevOps, TDD, CI, CD? 

django performance tester

No matter what you call them, all of these methodologies are based on continuous activity - continuous development, continuous integration, continuous deployment, continuous delivery and continuous testing.

We've just published an open-source package you can use to add performance testing to your Django continuous development process. We've made it available on GitHub, so you can use it as is, or you can develop it further to suit your needs. The library integrates seamlessly into your existing development cycle, with no changes to your current workflow, because it relies on indirect (proxy) performance indicators.

Our own development teams rely on a lot of open-source tools, so we're pleased to be able to give something back to this community, in the form of this plugin. We use it for our own development and we hope you'll find it useful. We're looking forward to your feedback!
